Attachment Style Quiz

This quiz will help you gain insights into your attachment style, shedding light on how you approach intimacy, trust, and emotional connections.


attachment style quiz

Human beings are inherently social creatures, wired to form connections and relationships with others.

The way we relate to others, often rooted in our early experiences, shapes our attachment style – a psychological framework that influences how we approach intimacy, trust, and emotional connections.

Understanding your attachment style can provide valuable insights into your relationship patterns, enabling you to cultivate healthier connections and navigate challenges more effectively.

The Four Attachment Styles

Attachment theory categorizes attachment styles into four main types: secure, anxious-preoccupied, dismissive-avoidant, and fearful-avoidant. These styles stem from our interactions with caregivers during childhood and have lasting effects on our adult relationships.

  1. Secure Attachment

Individuals with a secure attachment style have experienced consistent emotional support and responsiveness from their caregivers during childhood. As adults, they exhibit a healthy balance between independence and intimacy.

Secure individuals are comfortable expressing their needs and emotions, and they value both their own autonomy and the emotional closeness they share with their partners.

Trust comes naturally to them, enabling them to build strong, lasting relationships based on open communication and mutual respect.

  1. Anxious-Preoccupied Attachment

Those with an anxious-preoccupied attachment style may have experienced inconsistent caregiving in their early years. As adults, they often seek high levels of intimacy and validation from their partners, fearing abandonment or rejection.

They tend to be hyper-aware of relationship dynamics and may become anxious if they perceive distance from their partner.

This attachment style can lead to a cycle of seeking reassurance and struggling with feelings of insecurity, which may put strain on relationships.

  1. Dismissive-Avoidant Attachment

Individuals with a dismissive-avoidant attachment style have learned to rely on themselves for emotional support due to caregivers who were emotionally distant or unavailable during their childhood.

As adults, they prioritize their independence and might struggle with expressing vulnerability or emotional needs.

They often downplay the significance of close relationships and may find it challenging to fully engage in emotional intimacy.

This detachment can hinder the development of deep, meaningful connections.

  1. Fearful-Avoidant Attachment

The fearful-avoidant attachment style, sometimes referred to as disorganized attachment, results from inconsistent or abusive caregiving during childhood.

Adults with this style tend to oscillate between a desire for emotional closeness and a fear of getting hurt.

They often grapple with internal conflicts about the safety of intimacy, leading to behaviors that may seem contradictory – longing for connection while simultaneously pushing others away.

This attachment style can lead to complex relationship dynamics and a struggle to find stability in love.

Identifying Your Attachment Style

Understanding your attachment style involves introspection and self-awareness. Reflect on your past relationships and how you responded to challenges, conflict, and intimacy. Do you find it easy to trust others? Are you comfortable expressing your emotions? Do you fear rejection or becoming too dependent on others? Recognizing patterns in your behaviors and feelings can provide valuable clues about your attachment style.

Changing Your Attachment Style

While attachment styles tend to be relatively stable, they are not set in stone. Developing a more secure attachment style involves self-reflection, therapy, and conscious effort. If you identify with an anxious, avoidant, or fearful attachment style and want to create healthier relationship patterns, consider these steps:

  1. Self-Awareness: Acknowledge your attachment style and its impact on your relationships. Be compassionate with yourself as you delve into your past experiences.
  2. Therapy: Engage in therapy to explore the root causes of your attachment style, address unresolved issues, and develop coping strategies for challenges that arise in relationships.
  3. Mindfulness: Practice mindfulness to become attuned to your emotions and reactions. This can help you manage triggers and respond more intentionally in moments of vulnerability.
  4. Communication: Learn effective communication skills to express your needs and feelings clearly to your partner. This promotes understanding and connection.
  5. Boundaries: Establish healthy boundaries that respect your needs and foster a sense of security in your relationships.


Understanding your attachment style is a powerful tool for personal growth and healthier relationships.

By recognizing your attachment patterns and working towards a more secure style, you can cultivate stronger connections, communicate more openly, and navigate challenges with greater resilience.

Remember that change takes time, effort, and self-compassion. As you embark on this journey of self-discovery and growth, you can pave the way for more fulfilling and satisfying relationships in your life.